Order for 100 copies of Mastering Mathematics

Name of the person to whom order is being placed
Name and address of the organization
Name of the person placing the order
Name and address of the organization
Subject: Order for 100 copies of Mastering Mathematics
Dear Sir or Madam,
As per our discussions on __________ (date of meeting) we are pleased to place an order for 100 copies of Mastering Mathematics book by _________ (writer) for Class VII for the ICSE Board on the following terms and conditions:
  1. The cost of each book will be Rs.________ (inclusive of all taxes)
  2. Payment terms will be a post-dated cheque for 50% advance with order. This cheque will be cleared on the day of the deliver. The balance payment of 50% 7 days after delivery and after random inspection
  3. Delivery will be done within 7 days from the order date
  4. Delivery will be done at ________________ (address of organization)
  5. If the order is not delivered as per the above terms and conditions, the order stands cancelled
Please find enclosed chequenumber ________ dated ________ for Rs.________ towards advance for the order.
Hoping to have a long business relationship with you.
Best regards,
(Name of signing authority)

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